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Becoming Contagious Christians

21-Day Fast
January 5 - January 25, 2022
2022 Fasting Guide
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Follow Along with the STCC 2022 Fasting Guide

Download Strong Tower's 2022 Fasting Guide for daily fasting and prayer schedule. It includes guidance and journaling prompts for daily scripture and reflections.  



Find out your style for Impacting Others

Download the Contagious Christian Assessment to take the questionnaire to find out which style of reaching others best suits you. 



Hello Strong Tower

I am so excited for our next journey together and it all begins with our annual

fast! Over the next twenty-one days, we are going to go on an amazing adventure.


And it’s going to be an adventure. 


Our thematic vision for 2022 is becoming a church full of “Contagious Christians. In 2022, we are establishing the Strong Tower Soul-winning Society and are going to trust God for the salvation of our friends, neighbors and loved ones.



It all begins with fasting and prayer. During our fast, we will be asking God to change us into evangelists for his glory:


  1. Receiving fresh boldness and wisdom from the Holy Spirit to be a witness for Christ

  2. Every Wednesday we will have teaching on becoming a Contagious Christian which will allow us to leverage our individual personalities and gifts into our personal evangelism style

  3. Daily intercession prayer for our unsaved family, neighbors and friends


“Those who have insight will shine like the bright expanse of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever.”                                                                                          Daniel 12:3

Over the next several weeks, we will come together daily for prayer. Throughout, we will celebrate communion together, worship together, pray together, read scripture together and share encouraging testimonies of God’s activity among us.


Our vision: Acts 2:46-47. Every day they devoted themselves to meeting together in the temple, and broke bread from house to house. They ate their food with joyful and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. Every day the Lord added to their number those who were being saved.


If you have never experienced this type of authentic Christian community, you are in for a treat! Get ready for a rocket boost in your relationship with God!


Our fast will be life-giving and not legalistic. Our goal is connection with God, favor and spiritual power being released resulting in salvation for those around us!


If you are new to fasting or dread fasting, sometimes you may feel weak or temptation may feel very strong; check in with us daily. It will strengthen your resolve.  Let’s do this together!


Darren & Angie


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What is a Daniel Fast?

Daniel 1:16 So the guard continued to remove their food and the wine they were to drink and gave them vegetables.


Following the fall of Judah to Babylon, Daniel – along with select others – was tapped by King Nebuchadnezzar’s chief of staff to be trained in palace life for three years in order that he might enter the King’s service. Part of the gig was to eat like a royal, but Daniel, not wanting to defile himself with food not of the Lord, requested vegetables and water, promising that after ten days he and his friends would appear stronger and healthier than all the others. If that was not the case, he agreed to then eat the King’s food. Read Daniel Chapter One to find out the rest of the story; it’s a good one!


We will be observing a Daniel Fast for the 21st century (21 days versus Daniel’s three years!). Your diet should consist mainly of grains and vegetables. Those who have dietary restrictions should alter as needed.


We will fast from refined sugars and simple carbs such as breads and pasta.


Additionally, we ask that you curb your use of television and social media. Follow the leading of the Holy Spirit for specific ways He may desire you to consecrate yourself during the fast.

Join Us for Daily Prayer Opportunities

Morning Prayer - Daily 7 am via Zoom or Phone


Join by computer/Zoom app: Click here for the live link


Meeting ID: 843 9775 7897

Passcode: 023334


Join by phone:

Call: 1 (301) 715-8592

Meeting ID:  843 977 578 97#

Participant ID: *023334#



Daily Scripture Readings


Read the scripture and use a reflection tool called S.O.A.P. which stands for:


Scripture: Write down the scripture

Observation: Write down how the scripture is meaningful to you

Application: Write down how you can apply the scripture to your life today

Prayer: Write down a short prayer


Noon-day Prayer

Every Thursday at 12 p.m.



Evening Gatherings

We will have an evening gathering each day from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Participants can gather in-person in the STCC sanctuary or join live stream via our Facebook page or the Strong Tower website (

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